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Configuring Push Notifications
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You can manually configure push notifications to your customized app build without using Rocket.Chat Saas to manage your workspace. It allows your workspace users using mobile devices to receive push notifications on their devices. This guide shows how to achieve that.
Configuring gateway
Navigate to Administration > Workspace > Settings > Push on your workspace.
Disable Gateway.
Disable Production if you’re trying in debug mode.
Configuring Android
Generating FCM service account
Navigate to the Cloud Messaging tab on the Firebase project.
Under Firebase Cloud Messaging API, tap on Manage Service Accounts to be redirected to Google Cloud Console.
Go to Create Service Account, fill name and ID and click Create and Continue
On Grant this service account access to project, filter for a role called Firebase Cloud Messaging API Admin
Click Done and navigate to the Service Account you just created
Go to Keys > Add Key
Select JSON and click Create
This JSON file is going to be used to send push notifications
Configuring FCM on Rocket.Chat
Navigate to Administration > Workspace > Settings > Push
Make sure Use legacy notification provider is turned off
On Certificates and Keys, copy the Service Account content you just created to Google FCM API Credentials
Save and restart your workspace.
Log into the server as the same user on your mobile device and close it (it won’t receive push notification if it’s open).
Navigate to Administration > Workspace > Settings > Push and click on the Send a test push to my user button.
Configuring iOS
Ensure you have done "Creating Push Notifications certificates”.
In your terminal, go to the folder which contains your push files (CSR, .cer, .p12).
Generating PEM files (Development)
To generate PEM files for a development environment,
Run the following commands:
openssl x509 -in aps_development.cer -inform der -out DevPushCert.pem
openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -out DevPushKey.pem -in yourP12File.p12
You must set a password for your PEM file.
Generating PEM files (Production)
To generate PEM files for a production environment,
Run the following commands::
openssl x509 -in aps.cer -inform der -out PushCert.pem
openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -out PushKey.pem -in yourP12File.p12
You must set a password for your PEM file
Page embed from Whimsical: https://whimsical.com/notification-workflow-PRwN4MWNsxSwqHjHXaPUuC
Copying PEM files to Rocket.Chat
Copy the contents of your development PEM files and password into APN Dev Key, APN Dev Cert, and APN Dev Passphrase on your Push > Certificates and Keys workspace settings.
Copy the contents of your production PEM files and password into APN Key, APN Cert, and APN Passphrase on your Push > Certificates and Keys .
Get the content of your PEM files using
by running this command:
cat PushKey.pem
Save and restart your workspace.
Log into the server as the same user on your mobile device and close it (it won’t receive push notification if it’s open).
Navigate to Administration > Workspace > Settings > Push and click on the Send a test push to my user button.
Notification workflow
Page embed from Whimsical: Notification workflow
You can find more information on push notifications configuration in our admin guide.