Scheduler API
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    Scheduler API

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    Article summary

    The Scheduler API allows apps to create tasks that run in a defined schedule. These tasks can be one-time events or recurring tasks. It uses agenda.js as the backend, so the schedule syntax and internal processes are all according to its documentation.

    The API details are in the Module scheduler definition and this example app can also be used as a guide. Check the app logs to see the example in action.

    Add permissions

    As per the permission system, the Schedule API needs the following permission in your app's manifest ( app.json file):

      "permissions": [
        { "name": "scheduler" }

    Register jobs (processors)

    To use the Scheduler API you'll need two things:

    • The functions to be run as jobs (we call them processors).

    • The schedule in which they run.

    This is configured using the app's extendConfiguration method. The processors are registered during the app's startup to make them available for scheduling.

    public async extendConfiguration(configuration: IConfigurationExtend) {
                id: 'first',
                processor: async (jobData) => console.log(`[${ Date() }] this is a task`, jobData),

    The processor is an async function and can receive arguments ( jobData). The arguments are passed during scheduling.

    Start a job

    To trigger the registered processor as a job, you must provide:

    • The id of the processor.

    • The type of job it will be. The available types are scheduleRecurring (the job runs in an interval) and scheduleOnce (the job runs once using the when keyword).

    Starting a job can be done when running a slash command, for example:

    // slashcommand class
    public async executor(context: SlashCommandContext, read: IRead, modify: IModify): Promise<void> {
        const task = {
            id: 'first',
            interval: '10 seconds',
            data: { test: true },
        await modify.getScheduler().scheduleRecurring(task);
        const task = {
            id: 'first',
            when: '8 seconds',
        await modify.getScheduler().scheduleOnce(task);

    You can also trigger a job as soon as it gets registered without manual or automated triggering. When you register your processor in the extendConfiguration method, you can pass a prop called startupSetting in the processor's object:

    import { StartupType } from '';
    // ...
            id: 'first',
            processor: async (jobData) => console.log(`[${ Date() }] this is a task`, jobData),
            startupSetting: {
              type: StartupType.ONETIME,
              when: '20 seconds',
              data: { test: true },
            id: 'second',
            processor: async (jobData) => console.log(`[${ Date() }] this is a task`, jobData),
            startupSetting: {
              type: StartupType.RECURRING,
              interval: '20 seconds',

    This indicates that you want that particular processor to be scheduled as soon as it is registered. You can define the "immediate scheduling" as a recurring job ( StartupType.RECURRING) or a one-time job ( StartupType.ONETIME). You can also pass data using the data object. It will work just like when you schedule a task using the modify accessor.

    Here, data is not something that's passed to the processor or a function as a living object or executable code. This data is a static piece of data that is passed to the processor's first argument.

    The signature of the processor function is as follows:

    (jobContext: IJobContext, read: IRead, modify: IModify, http: IHttp, persis: IPersistence) => Promise<void>

    The first argument is the data object you're passing when actually scheduling the job; ( [k: string]:any). The rest of the arguments are passed when the function is run.

    Cancel a job

    To stop a job, all you have to do is pass the ID of the job you want to stop:

    const jobId = 'first';
    await modify.getScheduler().cancelJob(jobId);

    It will stop the running job (if any).

    Cancel all jobs from the app

    To stop all the current running jobs from the app:

    await modify.getScheduler().cancelAllJobs();

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