Create Contextual Bar
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    Create Contextual Bar

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    Article summary

    A contextual bar is a sidebar displayed on the screen after the user triggers it. In this document, we will see how to use the UIKit components to create a contextual bar. To create and update contextual bars, use the following methods respectively:

    modify.getUiController().openSurfaceView({type, title, blocks}, triggerId, user)
    modify.getUiController().updateSurfaceView({type, title, blocks}, context, user)

    For details on these methods, see the IUIController interface TypeScript definition.

    Let’s look at a basic app to open a contextual bar that is triggered with a slash command using the openSurfaceView method.

    1. In your app folder, create a file to define the slash command and the context bar. For example, OpenCtxBarCommand.ts.

    2. Import the following:

    import { IModify, IRead } from "";
    import { App } from "";
    import { ISlashCommand, SlashCommandContext } from "";
    import { UIKitSurfaceType } from "";
    1. Now, in the class OpenCtxBarCommand, define the slash command as follows:

    export class OpenCtxBarCommand implements ISlashCommand {
      public command = 'contextualbar'; // this is what we will type when calling the slashcommand: /contextualbar
      public i18nParamsExample = 'slashcommand_params';
      public i18nDescription = 'slashcommand_description';
      public providesPreview = false;
    1. Next, in the same class, define the context bar in the async executor method as follows:

    constructor(private readonly app: App) { }
    public async executor(context: SlashCommandContext, _read: IRead, modify: IModify): Promise<void> {
        type: UIKitSurfaceType.CONTEXTUAL_BAR, // The type of the UI, CONTEXTUAL_BAR or MODAL.
        title: { text: 'test', type: 'plain_text' }, // The title of the UI type that is displayed in the workspace.
        blocks: [{ // The content of the UI type. It can contain many elements (inputs, actions, etc.)
          type: 'section', // The type of the block.
          blockId: 'section_1', // The name of the block.
          text: { // The object contains the content that will be displayed in the contextual bar.
            type: 'plain_text',
            text: 'lorem ipsum 🚀',
            emoji: true,
          } // Additionally, the `accessory` field can contain the block elements.
        { triggerId: context.getTriggerId()! }, // The trigger ID is like a security measure - to show users the contextual bar or modal only if users interacted with Rocket.Chat.
          context.getSender() // The user that types the slash command.

    See Building blocks for details on how to use the blocks.

    1. Update the main app class to call the OpenCtxBarCommand.ts file.

    import {
    } from '';
    import { App } from '';
    import { IAppInfo } from '';
    import { OpenCtxBarCommand } from './contextbar'; // import the `OpenCtxBarCommand` class
    export class HelloWorldApp extends App {
        protected async extendConfiguration(configuration: IConfigurationExtend): Promise<void> {
            await configuration.slashCommands.provideSlashCommand(
                new OpenCtxBarCommand(this)
    1. Deploy and test the app. In any channel, send the slash command /contextualbar.

    The following screenshot shows the contextual bar called test with the content that we defined in the blocks.

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