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Get Available Agent Information
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Get information about the currently available agent. Permission required: manage-agent-extension-association
The authToken
of the authenticated user.
The userId
of the authenticated user.
Use the query operator to search for specific data. For more information, see Query Parameters.
The response is the data that contains this text.
The voice channel extension associated with the agent. If you don't enter any extension number, the endpoint returns a list of all agents who have not been assigned any extensions. For information about extensions, see Associate agents with extensions in Rocket.Chat.
Number of items to "skip" in the query, i.e. requests return count items, skipping the first offset items.
The number of items to return.
List of fields to order by, and in which direction. JSON object, with properties listed in desired order, with values of 1 for ascending, or -1 for descending. For example, sort = {"value": -1, "_id": 1}
"agent": {
"_id": "XycfA5CetCPuEjqxw",
"username": "test.agent",
"name": "agent123",
"status": "online",
"statusLivechat": "online",
"emails": [
"address": "[email protected]",
"verified": true
"livechat": {
"maxNumberSimultaneousChat": "5"
"success": true
"status": "error",
"message": "You must be logged in to do this."
"success": false,
"error": "User does not have the permissions required for this action [error-unauthorized]"
"success": false,
"error": "unauthorized"